From Design to Plan
From the Plan to the Prototype.
From the Prototype to the Manufacturing in Series.
From Manufacturing to Distribution, Promotion and Sale.
From the technical drawing o 3D design, we realize the post processing to our CNC machinery that allows us to obtain the physical piece in a definitive material. With these prototypes, one can make the necessary trials to adjust the programme till we obtain the definite piece.

After the creative notes or a detailed petition for a piece, we pass to the design phase. After collating all the quotas and assuring the technical characteristics of the piece and the real possibilities of manufacturing with these shapes and measurements, one proceeds to the elaboration of the manufacturing plan.

Normally, it is made by conventional turning and milling machinery or with mixed CNC machinery, that allows the manual and controlled use of the piece. The process and the technician's experience gives the correct form and the necessary corrections till the product is to the clients liking.

Our experience allows us to add details that can improve the applied product, should the client not have solved certain unknown (to him) technical aspects. To the client we hand in: the dimensional design plans, an enlarged to scale prototype of his piece for demonstrations, and a 3D animation for presentations.
After the prototype, we can realize a small series (100 units) for clinical experimentation or the technical resistant trials if the case proceeds. For this we must realize the manufacturing programme for the CNC machinery, as well as choose the materials according to the desired use and the manufacturing tools.
If after the study, series there is no need to make changes to the piece or these changes are not relevant, one proceeds to manufacture in series in a matter of hours. For this we use high precision Swiss machinery like the model Deco 2000.

At this point we close the "integrated" circle where computer information and it's influence in sales enter. After manufacturing the client can opt to use his channels or means to sell his product or he can delegate the function to use to use our channels of distribution o our shop in the Internet, where the products manufactured by the company are shown and promoted..

Supported by a 3 dimensional vision of the products, a modern and rapid web page and the visionary control of the product from it's beginning and knowledge of the market to which it is directed, the products have a magnificent showcase for professionals and for companies who wish to buy or distribute them.